Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First Jack-O-Lantern in Ten Years!

More or less...and now our porch is aglow.

Mine, quite goofy-looking...


My neighbor's, quite artistic and spooky...


And our porch, glowing in the dark.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Look what we found...

The elusive Chicken of the Woods! Actually not that elusive, since it's bright yellow, and grows in these big fluffy clumps. M and I were out on a bike ride but we tied up as much of the loot as we could into his shirt and brought it home. I'm glad that wild mushroom cooking class has finally come to my aid.

This is the pile of 'free' wild mushrooms on the kitchen counter; in the end I could only use about a third of it because the bigger pieces were too old.

So we fried them in butter and ate them with rice! Delicious! And this particular mushroom has the most uncanny resemblance to chicken--the texture is just as chewy and it almost fooled me, except I think it tastes better than chicken.

And, some scenes from the ride - Fall Foliage! Fossil Hunting! And the Great Wooden Nickel, apparently some kind of symbol for Johnson County...and I love the homage to the buffalo.

In Other News...I have completed my first week of work at Johnson County Public Health, and the novelty of employment hasn't worn off yet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Gods Are Smiling Hard

My eyes (and flip flop wearing feet) do not deceive me:

*Why am I SO crazy about this weather? Refer to previous post.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Jig is Up

Somehow, Early October in Iowa = Winter. Yesterday, October 10, this happened:

That's right, SNOW. Yes yes only snow flurries and it didn't stick but....c'mon, Heartland! You were supposed to ease me into this whole cold front thing. And, of course, the entire fam was in town to attend the Homecoming festivities and big Iowa-Michigan football game. Guess who's not coming back to Iowa in any month that doesn't start with J!

In other news, my brave family had a big time in Iowa, we attended a fabulous Big 10 game which Iowa won, ate local meats and produce, and visited the Cheese Factory! I also made a fabulous feast tonight (update coming up) and beat everyone at Scattergories. And it didn't snow today. :p