Friday, May 14, 2010

Another feat of asparagetic excellence

I made asparagus pesto, and it was more like guacamole masquerading as pesto. Even if guacamole-pesto is too far-fetched, asparagus pesto is juuust right – creamy garlicky goodness. And, served on top of baked tofu it was a veggie de-light! (even if my crappy camera makes it look too much like poo in this picture)

p.s. I heart Mark Bittman! Recipe here. Also the video is real helpful.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Look Ma, A Quiche!

Spinach, goat cheese and green garlic -- with a giant handful of spinach from our very own garden!

My very first one, in fact. And, given my total lameness when it comes to crusty things, I am so proud of how good it looks I almost don’t want to eat it.*

*But I have to because it is SO DAMN GOOD


As someone who hated asparagus for oh, about 23 years, what I am about to say is a big deal:

I. Am. Obsessed. With. Asparagus.

And not just because it’s the ONLY green thing they are selling at the Iowa City farmer’s market!  It’s all thanks to this inspirational and mad scientist-y post from my wonderful friend at cuisinetresestrellas who has shared the most fabulous, flavorful, easy way to cook this green monster! I put it in my mouth and it was like “Damn! What the hell was that bitter green stuff I have been eating all this time – THIS is asparagus!  Plus, mine came out a little crispy-burnt, which is my favorite way to eat my vegetables. Try it. Then just try talkin’ smack about asparagus.