Saturday, September 25, 2010

Aaaaah where did my flog go??

I'm sorry to say this has become The Flog That Wasn't.  BUT, it's not like I've just been sitting around trying to think about something to post!!! Summer was just lovely, even with the bugs and the humidity hugs, and so here are some of my favorite fotos as proof.

Crafty Music Festival: DIY spraypaint!!

It's my foot....on a shirt!

Winey afternoon - Napa or Marengo, IA?

 Des Moines Music Festival: No amount of indie hotness can make DSM not suck.

Our Bountiful Garden


Harvest Fried Feast - Only Michael had the courage to confront the deep fryer

Bon Appétit!

(chile rellenos, pickles, thai chilis, garlic, and cucumbers)

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